Provides You With Assistance in Posting Bail Following the Arrest of A Minor Crime.
- Relief-members have peace of mind knowing that we are available 24/7 to post bail on their behalf.
- Recoveries - members do not have to worry about having funds available or being able to access them as we will post bail of up to R3000 on their behalf.
- Representation by our expert team will provide you with full administrative support.
You will be covered in typical cases such as:
- Road traffic offences such as neglecting to pay speeding fines.
- Failure to appear in court to defend such traffic offences.
- Driving while under the influence of alcohol.
- Common assault.
- Shoplifting or theft where the amount is less than R2500.
- Fraud, where the value involved, does not exceed R2500.
- Illicit possession of marijuana where the amount does not exceed 115 grams.
- Drinking in public.
- Public disturbance.